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Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and the Prevent Duty Guidance, UCU briefing, June 15 [231kb]
PDF format UCU briefing on the counter-terrorism and security bill, 2014-15
Dictionary of further and higher education in the UK
Zimbabwe chapter of UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
Palestine chapter of UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
Israel chapter of UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
Colombia chapter of UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
Burma chapter of UCU's international academic freedom report, published July 2009
Education for the future: UCU’s manifesto for post-school education for the general election held in 2010
An alternative manifesto for post-school education for the general election held in 2010
UCU response to the 2010 budget
BIS review of offender learning - UCU response, Oct 10
Prison education select committee inquiry, UCU submission executive summary, Dec 06
PDF version of UCU Submission to the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching Learning, Jan 13
UCU response to UUK review on part-time HE, May 13
UCU Response - Ofqual consultation on English for Speakers of Other Languages - December 2012
UCU Response - LSIS Consultation on New Qualifications for Teachers and Trainers - November 2012
UCU Response - Department of Education Consultation on Reforming Key Stage 4 Qualifications
UCU Response - BIS Proposals to Create a Chartered Status Scheme for Further Education Institutions - January 2013
VAT: Consideration of the case to extend the education exemption to for-profit providers of Higher Education
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