Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Guidance for family purposes & dependants leave in FE (England)
Guidance for equal pay in FE (England)
FE Joint Agreement on Guidance on Equality in Employment
FE Joint Agreement on Guidance on Equality in Employment
Joint agreement on guidance for the avoidance and handling of redundancies in further education colleges, Agreed July 2015
Model agreement on the handling of organisational change in FE in England
FE career pathways - example role outline: teaching and training (England)
FE career pathways - example role outline: leadership and management (England)
FE career pathways - example role outline: advanced teaching and training (England)
Copy of the AoC's 'Modernising Pay Arrangements' recommendations for FE colleges in England, 2004
PDF version of UCU's policy for reps wishing to attend TUC courses
Threats to sick pay in (England) FE, Jun 14
Participant Information Sheet
information leaflet and application form for training event for women members
Full listing of all reps courses with application form
EC courses info 2012
Rolling programme of health and safety courses
All UCU equality rep courses
All UCU courses in Wales
Rolling programme of UCU courses in the Yorkshire and Humberside region
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