Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Template letter for branches to email their MP asking them to support the Climate and Nature bill
PDF version of UCU's briefing document for branches on challenging redundancies
LGBT+ flags and their meaning
Briefing for members on redundancy, pregnancy and being new parents
Information on the University of Reading LGBT+ International Academic Mobility research
UCU response to the inquiry into ‘Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training’ by the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee, October 2024
National partnership, recognition, and procedure agreement between ColegauCymru and recognised trade unions
UCU Cymru branch support document 2023/24
Build the Union newsletter template
Queer Communities: Developing LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Spaces in LJMU’s School of Humanities & Social Science, Bee Hughes: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference,…
LGBTree of Life: Reflections on the practice of arts based LGBT storytelling as a human rights issue, Dr Cheyann Jade Heap: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research…
Tomboy Objects: Reimagining the Tomboy as a Queer Object Orientation, Kimberley Mather: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference, May 2023
Queer Vulnerability & Resilience to Natural Disasters, Higgins et al: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference, May 2023
Finding Space: A Photovoice Study of Gay Students in Higher Education, Lindsey aston: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference, May 2023
LGBT+ Culture in Higher Education, Pentaris et al: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference, May 2023
An autoethnography of being a gay female prison officer in an adult male prison, Dr Sarah Nixon: paper drawn from the 7th LGBT+ research conference, May 2023
Results of the UCU Cymru consultation on democratisation of university governance
UCU workload survey 2021/22: Higher education sector report, July 2023
UCU workload survey 2021/22: Further education sector report, July 2023
Report of the terms and conditions of staff working in adult and community education in England, June 2023
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