Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Health & safety guidance for UCU reps - removal or relaxation of public health measures, January 2022
UCU Scotland response to Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, May 2022
Series of workload inspection report templates
Example completed workload inspection report
Presentation about UCU's model branch claim for the Decarbonise & Decolonise 2030 campaign
Contributions by speakers at UCU's 2010 'Legacy of Hope' events which were scheduled to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day.
UCU factsheet on joint working groups: implementing the stress management standards
UCU workload campaign checklist on ensuring fit-for-purpose structures
UCU workload campaign checklist on organising your branch workload team
Overview of UCU's workload campaign
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on higher education policy and reform in England, May 2022
H&S guidance for UCU reps on the Westminster government's 'Living with Covid' policy
UCU's vision for trans and non-binary members
Eradicating sexual violence in tertiary education: a report from UCU's sexual violence task group (grayscale version)
Report on a survey of members on their views about the future of higher education, March 2022
Briefing paper briefing paper summarising the key sections in the CEART report, including important recommendations on issues such as university governance and…
Example individual risk assessment template from the Northern Ireland Health & Safety Executive
Information on the role of a UCU green rep
Eradicating sexual violence in tertiary education: a report from UCU's sexual violence task group
How admissions reform can address five big challenges for higher education, February 22
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