Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Template letter for branches to email their MP asking them to support the Climate and Nature bill
UCU Climate & Ecological Emergency Committee - organising to win a Green New Deal through national and local bargaining
A decarbonise and decolonise case study looking at De Montfort University's 'Decolonising DMU' project
UCU Cymru response to the Wales Tourism Alliance consultation on 'A Renewed Economic Mission for Wales', October 2023
Case study: Liverpool UCU branch Green New Deal bargaining claim, September 2022
Presentation about UCU's model branch claim for the Decarbonise & Decolonise 2030 campaign
Information on the role of a UCU green rep
UCU Cymru response to the 'Sustainable Wales Better Choices for a Better Future' consultation
Climate crisis: workers united for urgent action - statement from the Trade Union Co-ordinating Group
UCU response to the independent report from the Green Jobs Taskforce, September 2021
UCU, NUS, NEU statement
Quick guide to 'decarbonise and decolonise 2030' and the COP26 campaign, June 2021
Calling on education ministers to step up for people and planet
UCU presentation to the ETUCE conference on our work towards tackling the climate emergency, 23 April 2021
Annual report on UCU's climate & sustainability work over 2020-21
Green New Deal: bargaining objective 2: Industrial relations – recognition of green reps, facility time and procedures, March 2021
Green New Deal: bargaining objective 1: Curriculum, March 2021
Green New Deal: bargaining objective 1: Climate emergency and associated policies, March 2021
Green New Deal: bargaining objective 5: Ethical investment and banking, March 2021
Green New Deal: bargaining objective 6: Food and land use, March 2021
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