Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
UCU parliamentary briefing on the Higher Education and Research Bill for the House of Lords second reading on 6 December
A report by Dr Gill Wyness for UCU
PDF version of UCU's guidance on understanding the sources of rights
Word version of UCU's guidance on understanding the sources of rights
PDF version of the role of the UCU rep
Word version of the role of the UCU rep
PDF version of the UCU guidance on protection from victimisation for UCU reps
Word version of the UCU guidance on protection from victimisation for UCU reps
PDF version of the guiding principles of being a UCU rep
Word version of the guiding principles of being a UCU rep
PDF version of UCU's introduction to being a rep
Word version of UCU's introduction to being a rep
Guide on how to get involved in UCU
PDF version of UCU's guidance for members on how to get more involved in UCU
Word version of UCU's guidance for members on how to get more involved in UCU
Word version of UCU's guidance for branches on facilities and time off for UCU reps
PDF version of UCU's guidance for branches on facilities and time off for UCU reps
Guidance for UCU branches on the importance of having an environment rep, published August 2015
Word version of UCU's advice for new reps
PDF version of UCU's advice for new reps
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