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Previous elections

We have retained the results of the previous UCU elections below for information.

UCU elections 2013

Information on the trustee, officer and national executive committee elections held in 2013.

NEC casual vacancy 2012

Information on the ballot to fill a casual vacancy for a UK-elected member of the NEC from the further education held in September 2012.

General secretary and UCU elections 2012

Information on the election of the UCU general secretary and the trustee, officer and national executive committee elections held in 2012.

NEC casual vacancies 2011

Vacancies for seats on UCU's national executive committee becoming vacant during 2011.

UCU elections 2011

Information on the elections to the 2011 UCU national executive committee.

NEC casual vacancies 2010

Casual vacancies for seats on UCU's national executive committee becoming vacant during 2010-11.

UCU elections 2010

Elections for trustee, national officer and national executive committee members of UCU.

NEC casual vacancies 2009

Casual vacancies for seats on UCU's national executive committee becoming vacant during 2009.

UCU elections 2009

Elections for national officer and national executive committee members of UCU and UCU Scotland officers and executive committee members.

NEC casual vacancy 2008

NEC casual vacancy: representative of LGBT members