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Lebanon/Israel crisis: emergency protests

26 July 2006

UCU continues to support the Stop the War Coalition (to which NATFHE and AUT affiliated). UCU members are therefore urged to take note of the following appeal from StWC and support local protests.

In London in particular, please note the emergency demonstration at Downing Street, Friday 28 July, 5-7pm.

To all Stop the War groups and affiliated groups

Unconditional ceasefire now stop Israel's attacks on Lebanon & Gaza end Blair's support for Bush's war

  • call emergency protests this Friday 28 July
  • collect signatures for the Tony Blair letter
  • all London groups to join the Downing Street protest

The war crimes and the barbarism continue. 400 killed. Up to one million Lebanese driven from their homes. And still Condoleeza Rice and Tony Blair say keep on bombing.

Emergency action is needed across the country. All local groups should organise protests this Friday evening.

We also want as many people as possible to sign the Stop the War open letter to Tony Blair, which we will be handing in to Downing Street on Friday. The letter is printed on the Stop the War website. A petition will be available on website.

Emergency demonstration at Downing Street, Friday 28 July, 5-7pm: Unconditional ceasefire now stop Israel's attacks on Lebanon & Gaza end Blair's support for Bush's war

All local groups to call emergency protests Friday 28 July evening.


23 September National demonstration: 'Time to Go - Troops out of Iraq/Don't attack Iran/No Trident replacement' demonstration, Manchester.

UCU branches are urged to mobilise support. Coaches are booked from all over Britain to bring protestors to Manchester on the eve of the Labour Party Conference to demand all foreign troops are removed from Iraq and Afghanistan and an end to the threats to Iran. Book your transport now. Contact your local Stop the War Group and get involved in the campaign to build the Manchester demonstration. For further information contact Stop the War Coalition: email | phone 020 7278 6694 |

To join the UCU Stop the War Coalition supporters' network, email

Last updated: 15 December 2015
