Rep 1 - UCU reps induction: 13, 14, 15, May, 2025, Midlands region, Online

This course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers and activists who will be undertaking this role in the near future. Existing reps who have not attended training before are also encouraged to attend. The course will cover all aspects of your role as a rep including your rights as a rep, union democracy, recruitment, organising, structure and communication. You should complete this course prior to applying for the Rep 2 course.

Organising courses

Course details

Course meeting dates: 13, 14, 15, May, 2025

Please ensure you can attend the entire course prior to submitting your application  form. Please further ensure you have secured time off from your employer to attend.
Course meeting times:

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (including regular breaks)

Course time commitmentRoughly 21 - 25 including pre-course work
Location:Online - you will be issued a TUC stream login nearer the course date

Please be aware that applications for this course will close on Friday 9th May. Applications after this dates risk not being accepted. This is due to the logistics of organising UCU courses. 

We have recently had issues with people not attending online courses. You should be aware that UCU can be charged for courses that do not fill the required number of attendees.

Course content

This Rep 1: Introductory course will cover the following:

  • UCU organisation and democracy
  • your rights as a rep and how to apply them
  • communication with members
  • recruitment
  • members issues
  • collective responses
  • organising in your branch 
  • local and national campaigns
  • branch and member communication

The course will give you a good grounding in the basic role and rights of a UCU rep.

You will be expected to complete this Rep 1 course prior to applying for the UCU Rep 2: course.

Participant work on this course may be seen by both a college internal and external verifier as part of the certification process.

UCU courses are funded via members' contributions and public funding.

Information Facility time

Online courses are no different from in person courses when it comes to time off for training. Time off for training is a right and one which should be exercised as part of normal industrial relations. For more info please see  Facilities and time off for UCU reps.

When you apply for a course we will assume you are making a commitment to attend the course as advertised, and have secured time off from your employer. Please contact your branch/devolved national/regional office if you are having problems securing time off.

Important Before you complete this form, please be aware: You may be asked to register with the delivering college in which your trade union tutor is employed. Where colleges are drawing down funding for delivery you will be ask for your passport or equivalent identification details to register. This is a demand of the college who are following government requirements in order to satisfy public funding criteria. This is not a requirement UCU want to see and we are lobbying for change. However, as it stands, if you do not register with the college, your place will not be fundable. Your course tutor will be able to tell you what information is needed in order to complete your college registration.