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Courses in the Eastern & Home Counties region

Representing courses Representing courses
Organising courses Organising courses
Health & safety rep courses Health & safety courses
Equality rep courses Equality courses
Bargaining courses Bargaining courses
Specialist courses Specialist courses

These are the courses for branch reps and activists currently running in Eastern & Home Counties region. You can also attend courses that are advertised in the London region 

If there are no dates listed for the course you'd like to attend, or if you'd like to be made aware of further dates, please register your interest here.

Green box containing letter O

Bargaining for a Green New Deal: June 2024

This course is for all Green reps along with those in the branch who are interested in bargaining around environmental issues. The course will help reps navigate UCU Green New Deal bargaining advice and enable you to work on a potential claim to the employer along with looking at a deep organising approach to any campaign strategy.

Amber box with letter H

H&S 1 - induction: (health & safety role and functions) June 2024

This course forms the first part of UCU's health and safety training programme. This course is for new health and safety reps, those who have been in the role sometime but have never been trained, along with those in the branch who want to further understand the role, and legislation that enables health and safety reps to hold institutions to account.

Tan box containing the letter B

Job evaluation: A collective approach, July 2024

This one day course is for branch reps and activists who are involved and interested in learning more about the importance of trade union involvement and representation in job evaluation schemes. The focus of the course will be around the use of collective action wherever possible.

Blue-grey box with letter R

Rep 1 - UCU reps induction: October 2024

This course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers and activists who will be undertaking this role in the near future. Existing reps who have not attended training before are also encouraged to attend. The course will cover all aspects of your role as a rep including your rights as a rep, union democracy, recruitment, organising, structure and communication. You should complete this course prior to applying for the Rep 2 course.

Blue-grey box with letter R

Rep 1 - UCU reps induction: October 2024

This course is aimed at new reps/caseworkers and activists who will be undertaking this role in the near future. Existing reps who have not attended training before are also encouraged to attend. The course will cover all aspects of your role as a rep including your rights as a rep, union democracy, recruitment, organising, structure and communication. You should complete this course prior to applying for the Rep 2 course.

Blue-grey box with letter R

Representing individual members: an introduction to casework - June 2024

This is a course for reps who are new to representing individual members or those who are considering becoming more involved in the direct representation of individual and groups of members. Those who have been practicing for some time may also find this course to be a useful refresher of best practice.