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Equality advice and guidance

25 October 2006

On this page:

Equality issues during Covid-19

UCU's equality and participation team have produced this equality briefing for members [353kb] during the current coronavirus period (also available in Word format [156kb]). 

We are keen to receive reports from reps on equality related issues facing members as a result of Covid-19.  Please send your report to - this will help us greatly in responding effectively to branches through the advice and guidance we issue.

Disability and the coronavirus

The current Covid-19 pandemic presents additional challenges and barriers for UCU members with disabilities and there is some specific advice here.

See also our branch briefing on 'long Covid' [211kb], as well as our Long Covid branch bargaining guide [285kb].

If you are worried about the work you are being asked to do and are unsure, please get in touch with your branch and ask for their help.

General guidance on equality issues

Supporting members to challenge discrimination and harassment

Being subject to discrimination can be incredibly upsetting and undermining. It can feel like a personal attack and those subject to it can feel isolated and vulnerable. It is important that UCU representatives and members work together to identify what treatment is discriminatory and challenge employers where that is the case. Discrimination takes many forms and people respond differently to how they have been treated in a variety of circumstances.

This toolkit is designed to help you and your UCU representatives identify that what you have experienced amounts to discrimination, how to gather relevant evidence and the practical steps and procedures to be followed through internal processes and, if applicable, to the employment tribunal stage. Not all cases will result in an employment tribunal claim. Many claims of discrimination can be resolved through the internal procedures and this guide will ensure that you and your UCU representatives have put your best case forward. Discrimination takes many forms and people respond differently to how they have been treated in a variety of circumstances.

Challenging discrimination - how to build an effective case: a toolkit for UCU members [705kb]

Tackling third party abuse and harassment at work

This  TUC guide looks at the issue of third party abuse and harassment. It explains how it manifests, its impact and what unions and employers should do to prevent it.

Tackling third party abuse and harassment at work [371kb]

Hidden in Plain Sight - carer's survey findings

UCU has followed up its work on supporting carers with a survey of 1,676 members who shared their experiences of being in employment and being a carer, for example, to an elderly relative, disabled child or friend and the challenges they face. Our survey 'Hidden in Plain Sight' report highlights the inconsistencies in how flexible working is delivered in both sectors as they relate to carers. Branches are encouraged to use the data contained in the report to:

  • support members who are carers in understanding their rights at work
  • use the data to support other campaigns such as UCU's workload campaign 'It's Your Time' and;
  • to raise awareness of the issues facing unpaid carers during carers' week, 10-16 June 2019.

Hidden in Plain Sight [1mb]
Hidden in Plain Sight [139kb]

Caring for carers

A new guide aimed at giving support to an estimated 315,000 working age carers in the UK. 'Caring for carers: a UCU guide for members and reps', gives an overview of the issues facing working carers, their rights and how branches can offer support to members who may have difficulty in managing their caring responsibilities with work responsibilities.

Caring for Carers [943kb]
Caring for Carers [945kb]

Please find below the link if you wish to download the individual sub sections.

UCU guidance: caring for the carers

Guide on intersectionality

This guide to intersectionality is written with the aim of raising awareness about what intersectionality is, the impact of intersectionality on equality and work to promote equality. Reference for further information and links for online viewing are provided at the end of the document.

Guide to intersectionality [227kb]  Guide to intersectionality [97kb]

Working parents: an equality guide for branches and reps

UCU has developed a comprehensive toolkit to support members who are considering becoming parents or are parents.  Achieving work and life balance is becoming increasingly difficult as members juggle high workloads, precarious contracts and tight finances. Women are still discriminated against for pregnancy and motherhood. Our survey of members demonstrates this area needs support and advice. This guide will support ALL families in understanding their rights at work.

Working parents - an equality guide for branches and reps [645kb]

Equality Toolkit

This guidance covers UCU equality structures and details how you and your branch can get involved with equality campaigning and organising in a handy guide.

Equality Toolkit [302kb]

Challenging bullying and harassment: an equality resource

Bullying and harassment ranks the third highest hazard in the education sector at 62% as reported in the TUC biennial survey of safety reps 2016.  This branch resource provides branches with tools on challenging bullying and harassment at work.

Challenging bullying and harassment - Equality guide for branches and reps [524kb]   No harassment here poster [122kb]

Click here for further information regarding bullying and stress at work.

Diversity in participation

This document is about sharing good practice and contains ideas for improving involvement. It is important that all members are involved in our campaigns and practices.

Diversity in Participation [248kb]

Key tools for equality negotiations  

This guide brings together key tools you can use for progressing all equality negotiations: the moral case; the business case; the legal case; the public sector equality duty; monitoring; chartermarks; equal pay audits; and national equality agreements:  General tools for equality

Devolved nations - Equality differences briefing  

This briefing outlines some of the different legislation and approach to equalities in the devolved nations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Devolved nations - equality differences briefing [154kb]   |   Devolved nations - Equality difference briefing. May 16 [128kb]

Public sector equality duties toolkit

The public sector equality duty came into force on 5 April 2011 and is supported by specific duties. These came into force in England on 10 September 2011. Please consult these toolkits for advice on the law, and how your institution should be responding.

UCU Equality Duty Toolkit [161kb]

Equality duties branch checklist [174kb]

Model intial screening form [202kb]

Pro-forma for impact assessment [33kb]

Sexual orientation equality checklist [209kb]

If you have suffered race discrimination: member guidance [158kb] - a short leaflet which can given to any member who feels that they have experienced racial discrimination at work

Sample letter requesting copy of race equality policy [25kb]

Other guidance

Public Sector Equality Duty in Wales [473kb]

TUC Equality Duty Toolkit

The Public Sector Equality Duty in Northern Ireland [38kb]

Equality Challenge Unit: equality in restructuring and redundancy
Equality Challenge Unit: equality in admissions

The Social Model of Disability: motions guidance [100kb]

Further education

FE Joint Agreement on Guidance on Equality in Employment [520kb]


Equality Act

2010 Equality Act: UCU briefing [139kb]
2010 Equality Act: UCU briefing [144kb]

Equality Act 2010 - Public Sector Equality Duties: briefing [55kb]
Equality Act 2010 - Public Sector Equality Duties: briefing [33kb]

The TUC has produced a briefing on the act: TUC Equality Act 2010 briefing [249kb]

Bullying and harassment

Bullying and harassment - toolkit for UCU branch/LA officers

What to do if you are being bullied or harassed - advice for UCU members
Word version [163kb]  |  PDF file [22kb]

What to do if you witness bullying or harassment - advice for UCU members
Word version [157kb]  |  PDF file [18kb]

Guidance for those accused of bullying or harassment - advice for UCU members
Word version [160kb]  |  PDF file [23kb]

Dignity at work: good practice guide for HE institutions on dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace, ECU, UCU and UNISON, Jan 07 [594kb]

Age discrimination

UCU supports the current legal position of there being no default retirement age. Since October 2011 it has not been legal for employers to enforce retirement at a certain age, subject to justification for locally setting such an age related condition (see below). The default retirement age before October 2011 was 65. There were many complaints from UCU members who prior to October 2011 had retirement enforced before they wanted to leave employment.

UCU supports the TUC position that everyone should have the right to retire with dignity and a decent pension.

The change in legislation about retirement has engaged a cultural change in the way career lives can be considered. From a 'countdown culture' or lineal pattern to a more cyclical pattern where people may consider, for example, more flexible working patterns suitable at different points in the lives. UCU is committed to understanding the impact of  flexible working as part of our work on  social sustainability at work which continues. In 2010 we were part of a project with two other European countries: Quality in academia and life: A joint strategy to improve work-life balance by GEW, UCU and SULF [1mb]

For further information please contact Seth Atkin.

See the Equality Challenge Unit website for more information including some significant legal cases.

Occupational and state pensions still have an age entitlement, check your pension scheme for their age related terms and conditions.


There is provision for locally established retirement age if it can be justified. Grounds for justification are based on the functioning of the business in relation to the impact on individuals. The grounds for justification have been tested in various court cases which can be used to support cases. For up to date information on justification please refer to this age discrimination website. It is possible to find other age related cases navigating from this page.

Disability discrimination

Information for Disabled and Neurodivergent Members when taking strike action

This briefing provides consideration for Disabled and Neurodivergent members when taking strike action.    Information for Disabled and Neurodivergent members when taking strike action [174kb]

Casualisation and neurodiversity

A casualised workplace can never be truly inclusive. An education sector with unstable, insecure employment as a systemic feature will always be hostile to neurodivergent people.

Having explicit, transparent processes around the use of casual contracts - and the routes out of precarity - supports a neurodiverse workforce. We have produced these guides to support members and branches dealing with such issues.

We are also calling on employers to sign up to our manifesto to tackle insecure employment and to support a truly neurodiverse workforce.

UCU Casualisation and neurodiversity guide [245kb]
UCU Casualisation and neurodiversity guide - no background [252kb]

UCU Anti-casualisation and Neurodiversity Manifesto [126kb]
UCU Anti-casualisation and Neurodiversity Manifesto - no background [132kb]

Supporting neurodiversity and colleagues on casualised contracts [207kb]
Supporting neurodiversity and colleagues on casualised contracts - no background [205kb]

Disability Employment Charter

UCU is a signatory to the Disability Employment Charter ( and is encouraging all branches to enter discussion with your employers to sign up to its 9 principles.  The Charter sets out key practical aims and objectives to address the disadvantages working Disabled people encounter and has been developed by Disabled people, Disabled People's Organisations (DPO's), charities and trade unions.

You can read more about the Charter and how to get involved here  Disability Employment Charter [198kb]

Long Covid briefing

We have produced this equality briefing to support and inform branches around Long Covid and protections at work for disabled people.

Long Covid briefing 2022 [197kb]  Long Covid briefing 2022 [122kb].

Neurodiversity guidance

UCU represents a diverse membership of workers from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexualities and neurologies. Neurology is the way that the brain functions and this resource aims to support branches with tools to help address neurodivergence. 

Neurodiversity Guidance [241kb]

Ableism words, actions and attitudes matter

The language we use about people and issues can have a powerful impact.    Along with the Disabled Members' Standing Committee, the attached information sheet serves to assist branches, and members alike to understand how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives and provides suggestions on how to address this.

Ableism words, actions and attitudes matter [234kb]   Ableism words, actions and attitudes matter [99kb]

Everyday Ableism 

Ableism is discrimination in favour of non-disabled people.  It is based on an assumption that the physical, cognitive and sensory differences with which disabled people live with are deficits, and it is rooted in the medical model of disability that assumes that disabled people need to be 'fixed'.  This information sheet explores everyday ableism and provides steps that can be taken to challenge it.

Everyday Ableism [144kb]   Everyday Ableism [155kb]

Disabled workers returning to work

The Covid-19 crisis has seen particular challenges for disabled workers.  With the support of the disabled members' standing committee, UCU has produced the attached advice sheet has a focus on equality and health and safety, that will provide reps and members alike with information to support disabled workers in the workplace and at home:

Guide to Access to Work

The government funded Access to Work scheme is an under-utilised resource that provides a grant for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition to start or to stay in employment. Access to Work can support disabled people to gain, for example:

  • counselling or job coaching
  • changes to equipment
  • moving equipment if you change where you work
  • provision of interpreters, for example: BSL,  relay service support, lip readers or note takers.

The Equality Act 2010 places a duty on employers to provide reasonable adjustments at work and Access to Work support may also help to ensure the reasonable adjustments disabled workers need are in place to remove the barriers faced in the workplace.

Our guide provides information about the Access to Work scheme and how to apply:

Reasonable adjustment passport and policy

Produced with the support of the Disabled Members' Standing Committee, the reasonable adjustment passport is a live record of the agreed adjustments between you and your manager to support you at work due to a health condition, impairment or disability, visible or hidden such as mental health issue or condition. 

The aim of the passport is to:

  • ensure that everyone is clear and had a record of what adjustments have been agreed
  • reduce barriers (the need to re-negotiate) every time a member changes jobs,  are relocated or assigned a new manager in the same organisation
  • provide a space to record any subsequent changes to adjustments and
  • provide members with the basis for future conversations about adjustments.

Branches are encouraged to adopt the use of the passport and model policy:

HIV in the workplace - a UCU guide for awareness and action

This resource presents information (as of 2018) about HIV and AIDS. It contains advice to UCU reps about HIV and how conditions in the workplace can best support people concerned about and/or living or working with HIV.

HIV in the workplace - a UCU guide for awareness and action [1mb]

David's story - a disability awareness toolkit

A disability awareness toolkit for branch equality officers.

Disability awareness toolkit [276kb]

Disabled members' toolkit - campaigning for accessible and inclusive workplace

UCU campaigns for a better future for all. UCU has produced this campaigning tool based on the TUC's Manifesto for Disability Equality which sets out policies to achieve real equality for disabled people.

Disabled members' toolkit [127kb]

Shared space   

This briefing looks at the issues that disabled, young and older people have in using shared space.

Shared space [244kb]  |  Shared space [95kb]

Performance management and sickness absence for disabled workers   

This briefing for branches is about sickness absence and performance management of disabled workers. The briefing outlines main issues facing disabled workers.

Disabled workers, sickness absence and performance management [233kb]  
Disabled workers, sickness absence and performance management [116kb]

Enabling not Disabling

This briefing is designed as a guide to UCU branches and local associations on the rights of UCU's disabled members. This guide was updated in November 2015 and includes legislation from Equality Act 2010:

'Enabling not disabling', UCU, Nov 15 [372kb]
Supporting members with mental health conditions and issues: UCU branch toolkit [265kb]

New guidebook on the social model of disability

The TUC has published a new guidebook on the social model of disability to help unions and their members improve equality for disabled people within unions and in the workplace. You can download the 13 page guide here (pdf).

In addition, Peter Purton, Equality Rights Policy Officer at the TUC has written a blog summarising the reasons for using the social model of disability. You can read his blog here.

Guidance on reasonable adjustments   

UCU has produced guidance for members on reasonable adjustments. This was developed with the UCU disabled members' standing committee, and provides information, examples and resources on your right to reasonable adjustments and how to negotiate for them in your branch. You can download the guidance below.

Reasonable adjustments - removing barriers to disabled people at work: UCU guidance [126kb]
Reasonable adjustments - removing barriers to disabled people at work: UCU guidance [114kb]

Disclosing a disability

This guide outlines some of the advantages that disclosure can trigger when related to current equality and employment law, when you are obliged to disclose a disability and when you are not, and some of the wider issues around creating a culture and a working environment where people feel able to disclose.

Disclosing a disability: UCU guidance [360kb]

Disability Leave

UCU briefing on disability leave. Institutions should have a separate policy for disability leave, and this brief guide provides some useful definitions, guidance and links around what disability leave is and how it differs to regular sick leave.

Disability leave briefing [56kb] 
Disability leave briefing [236kb]

One in Four - a briefing on mental health at work

UCU has produced a briefing on mental health at work entitled One in Four, reflecting the one in four people who will experience some kind of mental health condition in the course of a year. It is intended to assist branches in supporting members who may need mental health support and seeks to offer practical advice and guidance for branch representatives, including health and safety representatives.

Individuals needing mental health support will face their own unique challenges and many may need little or no changes to their working environment. However, understanding their needs and being able to advise and support members is paramount to ensuring that the stigma, stereotypes and discrimination associated with mental health are addressed.

You can download the briefing here, or contact the Equality department for a hard copy at One in Four - a UCU briefing on mental health at work, Jun 11 [103kb]

Supporting members with mental health conditions and issues

UCU has published guidance for reps in representing members in cases involving mental health conditions and issues. You can download the guide below, or contact for a hard copy.

Supporting members with mental health conditions and issues: UCU branch toolkit [265kb]

Supporting members with equality issues - a briefing paper for all branches and caseworkers prepared by the UCU Disabled Members' Standing Committee and the Working Group for Mental Health.

Supporting members with equality issues: a briefing paper for all branches and caseworkers, Apr 14 [90kb]
Supporting members with mental health conditions and issues: UCU branch toolkit [265kb]

Briefing on OCD for reps

UCU has produced guidance for branches on OCD. You can download the guidance below.

Briefing on OCD for reps [232kb]  
Briefing on OCD for reps [138kb]

TUC guide on sickness benefit and disability discrimination

TUC guide on sickness absence and disability discrimination [780kb]

Comprehensive guide to tackling disability discrimination at work

This guide has been updated to include the changes brought about by the Equality Act 2010 and the new Public Sector Equality Duties.

TUC Guide: Disability and Work (pdf)

This resource presents current information about HIV and AIDS. The resource gives advice to UCU branches about how to ensure supportive conditions in the workplace for people living and working with HIV.

HIV in the workplace - A UCU guide for challenging discrimination and supporting equality, Nov 09 [55kb]
HIV in the workplace - A UCU guide for challenging discrimination and supporting equality, Nov 09 [157kb]

Gender discrimination

Supporting safer sex work - UCU briefing

This briefing is designed to provide more information to enable those who are working in, or considering entering, the sex industry to make informed and empowered decisions. It builds on established UCU policy to work towards decriminalising sex work.

Supporting safer sex work - UCU briefing 2023 [316kb]

Menopause model policy 

This policy is meant as a guide for workplace representatives. It should be agreed via proper consultation with all recognised trade unions and amended to suit individual workplaces. The policy is relevant to anyone who is experiencing or going through the menopause.

Menopause model policy 2024 [235kb]   Menopause model policy 2024 [119kb]

Making flexible working the default

UCU responded to the government consultation on flexible working, in which they proposed to make it a day one right and ultimately the default position. The consultation set out five proposals for reshaping the existing regulatory framework so that it better supports the objective of making flexible working the default. It considered:

  • making the Right to Request Flexible Working a day one right;
  • whether the eight business reasons for refusing a request all remain valid;
  • requiring the employer to suggest alternatives;
  • the administrative process underpinning the Right to Request Flexible Working;
  • requesting a temporary arrangement.

The consultation closed on 1 December 2021.  UCU response Making Flexible Working the Default consultation [52kb]   UCU response Making Flexible Working the Default consultation [408kb]

Action against violence against women

This guidance is for UCU branch officers supporting members experiencing violence at home and in the workplace:

Action Against Violence Against Women - branch guidance 2019 [321kb]

Supporting menopausal women at work

Raising women's health issues within UCU is a priority for the union. Women going through the menopause may need additional consideration or adjustments. UCU has produced guidance on supporting menopausal women at work, which includes practical suggestions for how branches/reps can assist in supporting women members and what to be asking employers for.

Guidance on supporting menopausal women at work [227kb]
Guidance on supporting menopausal women at work [97kb]

Gender based violence

This briefing paper provides a definition of gender based violence and an overview of the legal remedies available. There is also information about recent developments and a list of where to access more information, advice and resources (including UCU's own guidance documents).

Gender based violence [166kb]  |  Gender based violence [93kb]

Model policy for branches on domestic violence

Model domestic violence policy for branches [473kb]
Model domestic violence policy for branches [120kb]

Abortion rights - a trade union issue

This briefing paper gives an overview of the law, describes what UCU is doing and explains how branches and members can get involved.

Abortion Rights [229kb]  |  Abortion rights [89kb]

Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace

In response to a survey conducted by UCU amongst women members, UCU has developed a guidance for branches and members on how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace and support members who experience it.

Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace [242kb]  
Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace [95kb]

Shared parental leave guidance spring 2015

Shared parental leave guidance spring 2015 [229kb]
Shared parental leave guidance spring 2015 [85kb]

Maternity rights for fixed-term contracts and casually employed staff

This guide briefly outlines maternity rights on fixed-term and casual contracts.

Maternity Rights for Fixed Term Contracts and Casually Employed Staff [204kb]
Maternity Rights for Fixed Term Contracts and Casually Employed Staff [77kb]

Gender identity and sexual orientation discrimination

Gender Recognition Act guide

The aim of this document is to provide clarity in an important area of law reform that has significant impact in terms of gender identity/recognition. The intention is, also, to address potential intersections with other areas of the law: UCU guide to the Gender Recognition Act [134kb]

UCU's vision for trans and non-binary members

This guidance aims to help UCU members speak to UCU's vison, and democratically agreed position, in support of trans and non-binary people rights.

UCU believes in building an inclusive culture, in words and deeds, that supports its trans and non-binary members to live their lives in safety with dignity and respect like the rest of our society. We believe that, together, we can make the future better for trans and non-binary people: Trans and Non-binary guidance [6mb]

Watch our series of short films exploring LGBT+ issues

Voices and visibility

A wallchart was launched at TUC LGBT conference and Pride in London in June 2015. The aim has been to produce a resource to support those raising awareness of sexual orientation and gender identity equality and diversity. Centred on the United Kingdom, it highlights important legal milestones and identifies visible and significant contributions made by individuals, groups and particularly the labour movement.

The free LGBT wallchart can be downloaded here.

You can also find a range of useful resources and learn more about LGBT history by visiting the Voices and Visibility website.

Europe and LGBT rights in the UK

This guide looks at the relationship between Europe and UK legislation on LGBT rights. Also covered is that relationships with Europe go beyond EU membership.

Europe and LGBT rights in the UK [106kb]  Europe and LGBT rights in the UK [100kb]

Non binary gender identity guide

Areas that help develop understanding of non-binary gender are explored in this guide. Actions are identified which, when taken, can help further gender identity equality.

Non binary gender identity guide [193kb]  |  Non binary gender identity guide [91kb]

Trans inclusion

UCU's position on trans inclusion [164kb] | UCU's position on trans inclusion [69kb]

See also: UCU Scotland Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill submission, Mar 20 [199kb]

Gender identity

This guide about gender identity equality has been produced to provide an overview of key terms and an update on this fast-developing area of equality. This guide provides a picture of where action and thinking around gender identity equality is in 2017.

Guide to Gender Identity [233kb] | Guide to Gender Identity [107kb]

LGBT+: a guide to language in use

The language we use about people and issues can have a powerful impact.  Language used about sexual orientation and gender identity continues to develop as there has been increased visibility, awareness and discussion in recent years. This guide sets out provide suggestions about current use of language.

  LGBT+: a guide to language in use, April 2021 [149kb]   |   LGBT+: a guide to language in use, April 2021 [96kb]

LGBT+ monitoring leaflet

Visibility and Voice Progress Equality: a leaflet outlining UCU's position on monitoring gender identity and sexual orientation.

LGBT+ Monitoring Leaflet [85kb]

Pride and Prejudice in Education

This report explores experiences and perceptions of sexual orientation and gender identity among post-school education learners and staff. The report was published February 2016.

Pride and Prejudice full report [1mb]

Summary report

The summary is designed to enable members to read the findings of the full report more quickly and also contains condensed recommendations:

Summary of Pride and Prejudice in Education report, Oct 16 [263kb]

Checklist for developing sexual orientation and gender identity equality in post school education

This checklist is drawn from the findings and recommendations in the Pride and Prejudice report and supplements the summarised version. The aim is to support branches in taking action to follow up the report.

Checklist for developing sexual orientation and gender identity equality in post school education [161kb]
Checklist for developing sexual orientation and gender identity equality in post school education [75kb]

Gender identity: awareness and actions for equality

The purpose of this guide is to raise awareness about gender identity, including gender reassignment, and to identify actions that employers can take to promote and advance gender identity equality.

Gender Identity: Awareness and Actions for Equality [199kb]   
Gender Identity: Awareness and Actions for Equality [156kb]

TUC guidance: LGBT equality at work

The position of lesbian,gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB and T) people in Britain has been transformed beyond recognition in the course of a single generation.

LGBT Equality at Work (Third Edition) provides a context for LGBT equality issues today.

View and download: LGBT Equality at Work, Third Edition, 2013

UCU is a partner in the joint working group of The Forum and have jointly produced the following guides. The Forum brings together partner organisations to co-ordinate work that advances sexual orientation and gender identity equality in the post-school education sector. The Forum aims to support the work of all learning providers by providing high quality information, advice and guidance.

Information about the Forum for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Equality can be found at the forum website here: 

LGBT members' international experiences

LGBT workers have a right to expect to be protected from discrimination under the terms of the Equality Act and their institution's equality policy. However, during the course of working for your college or university it is possible that you may find yourself working internationally, either on a short visit or longer term basis. Sometimes you may not have a choice over where you work. Sometimes this may mean working in a country or environment that is non-LGBT friendly.

Sexual orientation and gender identity equality - International Working [187kb]

Trans guidance

The Forum for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Post-School Education has published guidance on trans equality in post-school education. You can download it below.

Trans equality in post-school education [765kb]
LGB equality at work: guidance for UCU members and branches [66kb]

Racism and religious discrimination

Religion or belief in the workplace

UCU's new guide assists members and branches to ensure that all members' beliefs and/or religious observances are met by the employer and within the branch: Religion or belief in the workplace [178kb]

UCU Black Lives Matter resource pack UCU Black Lives Matter: real change for racial justice - a resource pack for members

This pack aims to provide members with a range of resources which articulate the reason and rationale why we must continue to push for change. Reps, educators, and anyone interested and committed to being part of the conversation that moves us forward will find a wealth of material that can be used to both inform curriculum development and develop initiatives that demonstrate that black lives really do matter: Real change for racial justice: resource pack [399kb]

Building anti-racist workplaces: a short guide for UCU branches

During the early summer of 2020 many institutions declared support for George Floyd, the black man killed by police in the United States, while reiterating their anti-racist credentials. Although these statements are welcome it is more important than ever for branches to consider how they can challenge racism at all levels and work to create anti-racist environments. UCU has produced a short guide for branches: Building anti-racist workplaces [288kb]

Challenging anti-Muslim racism

Anti-Muslim racism is on the rise across both the FE and HE sectors and more widely in communities. This briefing paper provides guidance to members on how best to combat anti-Muslim racism.

Challenging anti-Muslim racism [231kb]  |  Challenging anti-Muslim racism [84kb]


A guide for higher education providers in England on how to use equality and human rights law in the context of Prevent. These EHRC guidance can be used in cross reference with the UCU guidance:

Tackling workplace racism

UCU branches have a role in challenging structures and processes within the workplace that disadvantage black workers. This guidance will help UCU branches to be active in identifying and tackling issues that affect black workers in general.

Tackling workplace racism - a UCU bargaining guide for branches, Jul 16 [343kb]
Tackling workplace racism - a UCU bargaining guide for branches, Jul 16 [248kb]

Black members' survival guide

UCU has published the Black Members' Survival Guide. It provides vital information, advice and support for black members to defend their rights at work, progress in their careers and combat discrimination and racism in the workplace. It contains information on union structures, what to do if you are being discriminated against, the law, as well as guidance on applying for jobs and promotion and progression.

You can download the pamphlet below, or contact for a hard copy.

Survival: a guide for black workers & higher in further education [1mb]

UCU religious attire policy

Religious attire policy: UCU briefing note [18kb]

Guidance to members on points based immigration

Points based immigration: UCU guidance 2013 [170kb]           
Points based immigration: UCU guidance 2013 [184kb]

UCU report - the impact of points based immigration

This report was commissioned by the UCU's Equality Committee in the context of the union's campaign against the points-based immigration system and immigration cap. It is part of UCU's commitment to a working and teaching environment free of discriminations, open to all and encouraging mutual understanding and discovery.
Impact of points based immigration: UCU report, May 12 [773kb]

UCU anti-semitism leaflet

UCU is committed to combating anti-semitism. It has produced a leaflet which has been revised in January 2015 on the subject for branches to use, which you can download below, or request a hard copy at

UCU - challenging anti-semitism leaflet [67kb]

Last updated: 27 September 2024