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Respect FE: Let us know your experiences and get ballot ready

9 August 2023

From early September we will be balloting in UCU's national further education industrial action ballot. We are fighting for a new deal for college staff that recognises the value of the work you do and calls for professional respect as well as better pay and working conditions. 

Today we have launched a new survey to hear from you on what it is like to work in the sector. Your responses will play an important role in our campaign, highlighting to the public and our employers the issues that you are facing, and why we need a new settlement in further education in England.  

The form takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous. Please click here to participate

We have a full month's worth of campaign plans to get you ready for your ballots to arrive. Make sure that you are following along and taking part in campaign activities locally and nationally: 

W/C 7 August: get ballot ready! 

Time to make sure that your data is up to date on MyUCU, fill in our members' experiences survey, and send in videos on why you will be voting YES via WhatsApp to +44 7890 890273. 

W/C 14 August: winning in FE 

Hear from UCU branches that have won big victories in further education. Share with us your own ballot, recruitment and local deal victories via social media (using the hashtag #RespectFE) and email.  

W/C 21 August: anger week 

This week we will be launching the findings from our members' survey, revealing the injustices in our sector and asking you to channel your righteous anger into a commitment to vote YES in the ballot.

W/C 28 August: workplace week 

With most members back in the workplace your local reps will be holding in-person campaign events with new materials and merchandise.  

Last updated: 11 August 2023