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Respect FE update: dispute letters sent

13 July 2023

UCU has initiated one of the biggest disputes in further education (FE) for many years.

Today UCU has written to college leaders setting out our demands and putting them on notice that if they do not respond meaningfully, then the next steps will be UCU moves to ballot thousands of members in FE.

For too long staff in FE have not been given the professional respect you deserve:

  • pay has fallen way behind inflation and has not kept pace with schoolteacher increases
  • excessive workloads and stress are widespread
  • national pay bargaining in England has failed the sector, staff, and students.

College leaders now have a clear choice; make us a serious offer or the sector will be hit hard with industrial action this autumn. You can read the latest on the Respect FE campaign here.

A full list of colleges included in the dispute is here.

Last updated: 14 July 2023