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No offer at latest FE pay talks

19 April 2023

A joint statement released today by the FE England trade unions, GMB, NEU, UCU, Unison and Unite, said:

The joint FE trade unions met with the sector employer representatives from the AoC on 19 April for the first England FE pay negotiations.

The unions pressed the AoC on their claim which is timely, ambitious and necessary as it not only aims to start to restore the loss in staff pay over recent years but also addresses unsustainable workloads, aims to establish meaningful sector level bargaining and create a pathway to a just transition in FE.

The AoC response, that no meaningful offer could yet be made, despite the claim being submitted on 17 March 2023 , will understandably generate anger among the respective memberships during a cost of living crisis.

No serious offer was made on the other elements in the claim. The AoC did agree to consider their position further and respond in more detail at the next negotiation meeting on 11 May.

The joint trade unions are encouraging branches to contact their principals and press them to ensure a full and serious offer is made by the AoC at the next meeting.

Members in all five unions will expect much more from the next meeting and are actively considering the next steps they will take if one isn't made.

FE England national pay talks update, Apr 23 [541kb]

Last updated: 27 April 2023