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New report exposes severe financial insecurity for college staff

8 July 2022

More than eight in 10 college workers in England say their financial situation is harming their mental health, a new UCU report finds.

The report 'On the breadline: The cost of living for England's college workers', is based on a survey about financial security of over 2,700 workers from more than 200 colleges across England.

The report reveals a workforce in financial crisis, plagued by job insecurity and poor working conditions. The vast majority (80%) of staff are more financially insecure than they were a year ago and more than four in five (82%) say their lack of financial security is impacting their mental health. Due to their situation, seven in 10 say are considering leaving the sector unless pay is increased.

More than four in 10 (42%) said their income does not cover the cost of living. Of these, almost two thirds (64%) said they heated their home less frequently, two in five (40%) said they restricted hot water and a quarter (25%) said they are skipping meals.

Read the full story here: Eight in 10 staff in English colleges suffer from financial insecurity

Last updated: 8 July 2022