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Latest AoC offer 'not nearly good enough'

21 June 2022

UCU general secretary Jo Grady has updated members on the latest talks with the Association of Colleges (AoC).

On pay, the AoC increased its proposed 2022-23 recommendation from a 2.25% consolidated pay offer to 2.5% plus a non consolidated, i.e. one-off payment of £500 for each staff member (or £750 for those earning under £20,000). 

On workload, the AoC proposed to form a joint working party which would be tasked with developing sector-wide guidelines on workload by April 2023. 

Jo reported that while our negotiators concluded the improvements on pay are welcome, they are not nearly good enough to consider putting the offer to our membership or calling off the industrial action ballots currently underway in many UCU branches.

Read her full message here.

Last updated: 21 June 2022