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Jo Grady

General secretary's news

Updates from Jo Grady, UCU's general secretary

  • 21 October 2019

    Post-92 members who haven't yet voted in UCU's current higher education ballot: now is the time to do it. You have about a week to post your papers - the last date…

  • 17 October 2019

    As of today members have less than two weeks to vote in the ballots in higher education branches on USS pensions and pay, equality, job security and workload. The…

  • 17 October 2019

    I am writing again to members in post-92 institutions to ask for your help. I need you to vote in the current pay and equalities ballot. If you have already sent…

  • 17 October 2019

    UCU's national executive committee (NEC) met last Friday to consider the impact of Brexit on our members and the sectors we represent. In introducing the debate…

  • 15 October 2019

    There are only two weeks left to vote in UCU's national ballot on pay and pay-related issues before the deadline closes on 30 October. Vote now to give your union…

  • 10 October 2019

    After worrying leaks circulating this week from last month's HE employers' annual conference, my message to our USS members could not be clearer: act now and vote…

  • 8 October 2019

    In her latest message to members in higher education Jo argues that given how poorly we are being rewarded, our claims in the current higher education pay dispute…

  • 2 October 2019

    We still have so little clarity about what will happen on and after 31 October, but UCU members and officials are working hard to prepare for all eventualities.