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Jo Grady

General secretary's news

Updates from Jo Grady, UCU's general secretary

  • 26 September 2019

    I wanted to write specifically to members in post-92 universities to set out why I think it is very important that you vote in UCU's current ballot on pay and equality.…

  • 23 September 2019

    With the USS ballot of higher education members now well under way, Jo explains why we need a resounding 'yes' vote to secure the future of the scheme.

  • 17 September 2019

    Vote yes so that we can put pressure on the employers to enter into meaningful negotiations to find a long-term solution to the sector's ongoing issues. By now,…

  • 5 September 2019

    As the USS and equality and pay-related ballots open in higher education, Jo writes to members with the latest developments and the importance of the ballots to…

  • 29 August 2019

    Responding to the latest developments regarding Brexit.

  • 1 August 2019

    Today, I officially start as General Secretary of our union. The record breaking increase in turn out in the GS election shows renewed enthusiasm in the union's…

  • 22 July 2019

    As we head towards nationwide strike ballots on USS and on pay-related issues in September, I want to update you on our progress.